
Fast track level 5 in care management certificate salary

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    • Assignments
    • Certificate
    • Tutor support
    • Payment plans

    Course overview

    Embark on a transformative journey with our Fast track Level 5 In Care Management Certificate salary program. Dive into immersive, hands-on learning experiences that provide practical insights and real-life case studies to equip you for success in the fast-changing digital world. Our dynamic curriculum is designed to challenge and inspire, offering a comprehensive understanding of care management principles and practices. Gain valuable skills and knowledge that will set you apart in the competitive job market. Join us today and take the first step towards a rewarding career in care management.


    Course description

    This Fast track Level 5 In Care Management Certificate salary course is designed for individuals seeking to advance their career in the field of care management. Through a comprehensive curriculum, students will develop the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively lead and manage care services. Topics covered include strategic planning, financial management, and staff development. Upon completion, graduates will be equipped to take on leadership roles within the care industry and command competitive salaries. Join us and fast-track your career in care management today!

    Key highlights:
    - Strategic planning
    - Financial management
    - Staff development

    Who is this course for?

    Who is this course for?

    If you are looking to advance your career in the field of care management, the Fast track Level 5 In Care Management Certificate salary course is designed for you. This course is ideal for individuals who are currently working in the care sector and want to enhance their skills and knowledge to progress to higher-paying roles.

    According to statistics from the Office for National Statistics, the average salary for a care manager in the UK is £30,000 per year. By completing this course, you can increase your earning potential and open up opportunities for higher-paying positions within the care management industry.

    Whether you are a care assistant looking to move up the career ladder or a seasoned care manager seeking to update your skills, this course will provide you with the necessary tools and knowledge to excel in your role and command a competitive salary.

    Career path

    Care Home Manager
    Healthcare Manager
    Social Services Manager
    Clinical Services Manager
    Community Care Manager


    The programme is available in 2 duration modes:

      • 6 months
      • 9 months
    Course Delivery


    Course Content
      • Managing Safeguarding
      • Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care
      • Managing Quality in Health and Social Care
      • Managing Finance in Health and Social Care
      • Partnership Working in Health and Social Care
      • Managing Risk in Health and Social Care
      • Managing Communication in Health and Social Care
      • Managing Personal Development in Health and Social Care
      • Managing Health and Safety in Health and Social Care
      • Managing Equality and Diversity in Health and Social Care

    Assessment is via assignment submission

    Fee Structure

    The fee for the programme is as follows:

      • 6 months - GBP £1299
      • 9 months - GBP £999
    Fee payment plans

    The programme offers following fee payment plans:

      6 months programme: Course fee GBP £1299
      ● Payment option (a): GBP £433 x 3 monthly instalments
      ● Payment option (b): GBP £1234 x 1 instalment (We offer 5% bursary on total fee for students opting to pay in full)

      9 months programme: Course fee GBP £999
      ● Payment option (c): GBP £199 x 5 monthly instalments
      ● Payment option (d): GBP £499 x 2 quarterly instalments
      ● Payment option (e): GBP £949 x 1 instalment (We offer 5% bursary on total fee for students opting to pay in full)

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